Born September 17, 1954 to Rev. J.T. & Doris Lastinger. John was raised in a Pentecostal holiness family with his brother, Frank, and his sister, Gloria. Church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night and weeks of revival was normal for him. He learned faith as a lifestyle and not through a teaching series.
He’s seen teeth filled, legs grow, broken bones mended, and demons cast out. John is a man of faith; he has learned to trust God by not wavering under the pressure of how things look and he has seen the faithfulness of God to his promises.
Married to Robbie in 1975, they have two children John, III and Robert. Both boys are now married and have children of their own. John and Tiffany are proud parents of Grace, J.T. (John #4), and Rhett. Robert and Erin have a beautiful little girl, Sophia. Both boys completed the Master’s Commission Program in Rockford, Illinois under the ministry of Jeannie Mayo. God has given them each a special ministry they operate in as they lead their families in the things of God for our generation. Robbie is Executive Secretary at White Knoll High School and helps John in ministry at their church, The EDGE, in West Columbia, SC.
They are founders of EDGE Christian Academy and Daycare, where they are helping to equip children with the knowledge of Jesus and the sound of the Kingdom message.
“Taking Our City for Jesus” was the battle cry that John heard from God in the 80’s and has had a heart for our city and state ever since. He burns with seeing people set free, the blind to see, the lame to walk, to make a difference in a hurting world, to give people hope and a purpose for their future. To take the gospel outside the walls of the church and to see religion exposed for the lie that is it, is the mandate he carries.